Broccoli belongs to the dark green vegetables. It is related to the cauliflower and is treated similarly when being prepared. It takes less time to cook than the cauliflower and it has a much milder taste and aroma which is not dissimilar to asparagus or spinach. The most fragrant blooms are firm and dark green, and the yellowy ones taste more bitter. You can use broccoli raw in small amounts in salads but it is more often blanched or steamed. Separate the rosettes with the stems and place them in boiling salted water. Peel the larger stalks and make a slit in them so that they cook evenly and quickly with the rest. It harmonizes well with fish, meat and egg dishes. Chilled broccoli will provide you with a pretty garnish for cold fish platters and salads too and the leaves can be cooked and eaten just like cabbage. You can use them mixed with other vegetables, sauces, casseroles and stews. Frozen broccoli is also available in stores but be aware that the frozen rosettes with have been blanched before freezing so they will need less time to cook.
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