Black & Gold Tuna
This recipe is a light and extraordinarily tasty dish. It will take about 40 minutes to prepare, but the beans will have to be soaked overnight before you start.
For two people you will need:
10-12oz best Quality Tuna Fish
4½ oz Sesame Seeds
1-2 Eggs
1lb Pickled Ginger
1 Shallot
8oz Beans (Black and White Mixed)
10oz Fish Stock
2oz Butter
1pt Coffee
1tbsp Wasabi Powder
4oz Smoke Meal
1 Vanilla Pod
Several Stems of Cilantro
Soak the beans overnight in the coffee. Then put them in a pot with the fish stock and boil for 30 minutes.
Melt half the butter in a casserole and sweat the finely chopped shallots. When the mass starts to reduce add the ginger with the pickling juice and reduce the fluid. Then put the casserole to one side.
Separate the egg yolks. Scrape the vanilla mark out of the pod and add it to the egg yolk with a little salt and pepper and stir it well. Dip the tuna fish into the wasabi powder, then into the egg yolk and finally the sesame seeds. Press the seeds onto the fish and smoke it for 5 minutes.
Drain the beans and put the rest of the butter in a pan and toss the beans briefly in the melted butter. Finely chop the cilantro and add it to the beans and then put the pan aside.
Warm the ginger mixture once again and puree it.
Serve the fish with pureed ginger and the mixed beans.
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